The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is made up of volunteer patients who meet with the practice staff to discuss the work of the practice, provide constructive feedback and identify improvements.
All registered patients are welcome to contribute to the Patient Participation Group.
PPG Purposes
– To be a critical friend to the practice.
– To advise the practice on the patient perspective and provide an insight into the responsiveness and quality of services.
– To encourage patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health.
– To carry out research into the views of those who use the practice.
– To organise health promotion events and improving health literacy.
– To have regular communication with the patient population.
– To proactively liaise with other local and or relevant PPGs for wider patient interests, and the interests of patients at the Orchard Surgery Langley.
The PPG is not an opportunity to share personal complaints about Practice. Instead, it is an opportunity to share patient feedback and create suggestions for improvement.
Join Our PPG
For the Patient Participation Group to be effective it needs to have a membership that allows it to reach the broadest cross section of the patient population and we will be communicating its formation within the patient population through various means.
If you are interested in joining the Patient Participation Group, please complete the online form.
Once your form is completed your details will be sent to the chairperson of the group who will make contact.